Denver Sedation Dentistry

Relax In The Dentist’s Chair With Sedation Dentistry

If you’re anxious about going to the dentist or you need a complex dental treatment or surgery, you may be feeling nervous about your next appointment at OG Dental. That’s why Dr. O’Grady offers oral conscious sedation. At our office, you can be sedated during just about any procedure if you feel that it will help keep you comfortable and relaxed throughout your treatment. Ask about your options next time you come in for a visit!

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Patient receiving sedation dentistry
root canal therapy denver co
Eliminate pain and get treatment without anxiety or fear
root canal therapy denver co
Get the dental care you need, even if you’re nervous
root canal therapy denver co
Keep your children relaxed and comfortable during their appointment
root canal therapy denver co
Sedation allows you to have multiple, complex treatments without discomfort
What is oral Conscious Sedation?
tooth extraction denver

At our office, we use oral conscious sedation, which is a pill or liquid-based sedative that is administered shortly before your procedure begins. The sedative usually takes 30-60 minutes to take effect. You will start to feel groggy and sleepy, and you may even forget your procedure. Some patients even fall asleep during their appointment.

Oral conscious sedation can have a few minor side effects, like nausea or headaches. Additionally, its effects usually last for several hours after your procedure, so you should not drive after being sedated.

Why Should I Consider Sedation?
tooth extraction denver

The biggest reason that most patients consider sedation is due to dental anxiety. If you have a fear of the dentist, or you are simply nervous about an upcoming procedure, sedation may be right for you. However, there are many other reasons patients choose sedation:

  • Fear of needles – Numbing needles can be very intimidating for many patients. Sedation helps eliminate this fear, keeping you comfortable while you’re being numbed.
  • Strong gag reflex – Sedation can help suppress the gag reflex, which is important if you are having one of your rear teeth treated.
  • You’re undergoing multiple dental procedures – If you are going through a complex dental procedure that will take several hours, sedation helps you relax and feel comfortable throughout the entire appointment.

As long as you’re healthy and Dr. O’Grady approves you for sedation, you can use oral conscious sedation during your appointment.

Is Sedation Safe For my Kids?
tooth extraction denver

Yes! Dr. O’Grady is an experienced family dentist and he can treat children of all ages. Oral conscious sedation is completely safe for your kids and can help them remain comfortable during their appointment. For more information about sedation dentistry, and to discuss whether this option is right for your child, contact OG Dental today.

What Treatments Can Sedation Be Used For?
tooth extraction denver

At our office, we use oral conscious sedation to keep you feeling safe and comfortable throughout your dental procedures. Typically, we recommend this type of sedation for treatments such as dental fillings, crowns, root canal therapy, tooth extractions, and dental implants.

However, we are able to offer sedation to you for other treatments, too. For example, if you have severe dental anxiety and are nervous about treatment, Dr. Sean O’Grady can offer you sedation to help you get through your appointment.

We believe that fear, anxiety, and nervousness about an upcoming dental procedure should never stop you from getting the care you need. So if you think that you could benefit from sedation dentistry services, just give OG Dental a call. We’d be happy to give you more information about sedation dentistry at our office.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Sedation?
tooth extraction denver

As long as you are healthy and do not have a history of drug abuse, you are likely a good candidate for sedation. Before you can be sedated, you will have to share a comprehensive medical history with Dr. Sean O’Grady. 

This ensures that we can spot any issues that may prevent you from undergoing sedation. Some conditions such as chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, allergies to particular types of medications, and other such problems can prevent you from being sedated.

In addition, you should not be sedated if you are pregnant. To find out if you are a good candidate for sedation, we recommend scheduling a consultation at OG Dental.

What Do I Need to Know Before I’m Sedated?
tooth extraction denver

First, it is important to understand that oral conscious sedation lasts a long time. You will feel the effects of your sedation for at least 4-6 hours, and maybe even longer. You will not be allowed to drive yourself home after your treatment, so you must make alternative travel arrangements.

You should also plan to take a sick day or schedule your appointment for a day off, as the sedative will interfere with your ability to focus, operate heavy machinery, and more. It is important to give yourself enough time to recover from the effects of the sedative before you return to work.

Also, you should expect to feel very groggy during your procedure. You may fall asleep, and you will likely experience “anterograde amnesia,” meaning you will forget most or all of what happened during your dental procedure at OG Dental.

After your treatment concludes, you may feel nauseated and have a headache. Your reflexes will slow down, and you may have feelings of sluggishness or heaviness. Be patient. These effects will wear off after a few hours. 

If you have any more questions or concerns, you can bring them up with Dr. O’Grady before you are sedated for your dental procedure at OG Dental.