Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Wisdom teeth are known as our 3rd set of molars that come in during our early 20s. As we grow, our jaws shrink, leaving very little room for the wisdom teeth to grow. This is why you may experience pain as they grow and why they may need to be removed. This is not to mean that everyone experiences pain when their wisdom teeth are growing. However, most people do.

Sometimes, Denver Highlands dentists recommend their removal based on an x-ray that shows whether the teeth are putting excess pressure on the other teeth as they grow or causing overcrowding. Below, we explore some of the signs you need your wisdom teeth removed as well as what to expect during wisdom teeth removal.

When Should You Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Sometimes as teeth grow, teeth crowding occurs. This is when teeth that were straight shift because they have no space to grow in your mouth. This causes the teeth to press together, ultimately causing a misalignment in your smile. Some teeth may be slightly higher than the others. Other times, it may cause some teeth to be pushed ahead or behind other teeth. Teeth that have shifted may cause gum issues and, sometimes, infections. 

Usually, pain is the first sign that indicates that your wisdom teeth need to be removed by your emergency dentist in Denver Highlands. Some foods that require one to chew more, such as root vegetables and meat, can make the pain worse when an individual is chewing.

Sensitivity to Hot and Cold Foods

Impacted wisdom teeth refer to the lack of room for the tooth to come in normally. This makes the teeth emerge crooked, growing at an angle or sometimes, in a different direction than the rest of your teeth. This may cause swelling, tenderness, gum infections, and may also damage the surrounding teeth. 

It is recommended that you get your impacted wisdom teeth removed as soon as possible. This is because they may cause jaw issues and other serious issues.

Do You Have Sinus Problems?

Sometimes, sinus problems may be caused by dental issues, says Dr. Beth Herko, an emergency dentist in New Providence, NJ. Unlike wisdom, teeth that are not growing as they should. When wisdom teeth grow in an individual’s upper jaw, the developing roots can distort the sinus floor, which is bony. This may cause headaches, sinus pain, pressure as well as congestion.

What Should You Expect When Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

At this point, wisdom teeth removal is pretty common. Many people prefer to get their wisdom teeth removed as a preventive measure. Before your tooth extraction in Denver Highlands, your dentist will numb the surrounding area to reduce the pain. Most times, people only feel some slight pressure after numbing as the extraction process continues. 

For those who may have a fear of the dentist (or dental anxiety), OG Dental offers sedation options that should help you feel at ease and comfortable during the procedure. 

After the extraction procedure, the area will be sore and tender. Most dentists provide aftercare instructions that, when followed correctly, ensure your recovery is both easy and pain-free. Depending on the individuals’ condition, the Denver CO dentist may either write you a pain medication prescription or recommend various over-the-counter pain medications for you to take. 

If you have any other questions concerning wisdom teeth removal, please contact OG Dental. One of our associates will be happy to answer them and provide any information that you may need.

What Are the Sedation Options Available?

To numb the gums where wisdom teeth are, a local anesthetic is usually used. Sedation dentistry helps keep the patient relaxed and calm during the extraction procedure or, if they’d prefer it, unconscious. 

If Dr. O’Grady says that the procedure will be fairly quick and easy, then laughing gas or nitrous oxide may be a good sedation option. This usually helps soothe any thoughts of anxiety that one may be experiencing. 

However, for complicated procedures where all the wisdom teeth will be removed at once or for those who have impacted teeth, general anesthesia is recommended. It should be noted that you will not have any memory of getting the procedure done. 

If you would like to learn more about the sedation options we provide, get in touch with your Denver, CO dentist.

Removing your wisdom teeth is a relatively common, quick, and easy procedure. So, if you have any additional questions about wisdom teeth extraction or are experiencing pain, do not hesitate to contact us. Our OG Dental team is always here to help.