Signs of a Dead Tooth 

Common Signs of a Dead Tooth 

Your health goes hand and hand with oral health. Furthermore, the smallest amount of tooth decay can affect the rest of your body. Sometimes, the issue may be so small that you won’t be able to notice it in the early stages. Over time, your problem will get worse. That’s why it’s important to visit your dentist in Denver, CO, for preventative dentistry. Dental problems such as cavities and a dead tooth can be detected by dental professionals. In this article, Dr. O’Grady explores some of the common signs of a dead tooth.

What Exactly Is a Dead Tooth?

First, it’s important to understand exactly what a dead tooth is. A tooth is made up of three layers: enamel, dentin, and pulp. To remain viable, teeth require a continuous blood supply to the pulp, which is the interior component of the tooth and is made up of nerves and blood vessels. When the blood supply to the pulp is cut off, the tooth begins to die thanks to the lack of vital nutrients and oxygen. If left untreated, it will most likely develop into a tooth infection. This could potentially become an abscessed tooth. Over time, the tooth will fall out, requiring patients to undergo restorative dentistry treatment. 

What Is the Cause of a Dead Tooth?

There are two common causes of a dead tooth. As we mentioned above, tooth decay can harm the tooth’s pulp over time. As a result, it will then cause infection and, finally, tooth death. Healthy tooth pulp will fight infection for as long as it can, but the longer this goes on, the more likely it has no chance of recovery.

Tooth trauma is the second cause of a dead tooth. Physical harm to the tooth can occur unexpectedly and for a variety of reasons. Contact sports or blows to the face can harm your teeth. If the problem is not handled soon, the blood supply to the tooth may stop, causing the tooth to die.

Signs of a Dead Tooth: Pain 

One of the first signs of a dead tooth is usually discomfort in and around the tooth. The pain might range from mildly unpleasant to terrible. The infection and swelling inside the tooth put pressure on the nerve tissue around the base of the tooth. Our friend Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, says that if you’re experiencing unbearable pain in your tooth, something isn’t right. Contact an emergency dentist immediately.

Signs of a Dead Tooth: Discoloration 

A dead tooth or dying tooth changes colors due to a lack of blood supply. As it dies, the tooth may change color, moving from yellow to gray and finally black. As the tooth grows more infected or abscessed, you may experience additional symptoms. Dr. O’Grady says these symptoms may occur as well:

  • Additional swelling around the tooth 
  • Bad taste in your mouth 
  • Tooth abscess 

Contact OG Dental In Denver, CO

Now that you know the signs of a dead tooth, you can prevent them. It is critical to seek professional dental treatment before it’s too late. At OG Dental, we’re happy to help get your oral health back on track. Your Denver Highlands dentist will request x-rays to identify the solution.