Is Sedation Dentistry For Me?

Sedation Dentistry For Me

Just like a smile, we are all different and unique in our own ways. Some of us really enjoy visiting their Denver Heights dentist, and others have a deep fear of it. For some, dental fear stems from the anticipation of the discomfort or pain. For others, it’s the sound of the drill. At OG Dental, your favorite Denver Highlands dentist, we understand how fear and anxiety can sometimes get the best of all of us. That’s why we offer our patients sedation dentistry solutions that can help to ease some of that fear and help with the anxiety you may be feeling.

So, what is sedation dentistry, and is it the right choice for you?

Options in Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry involves the use of one or more types of drugs used before or during your procedure. There are several types of sleep dentistry options available to you, each with its own benefits. The needs of each patient differ, so the type of sedation method that we recommend may differ between patients.

When it comes to sedation dentistry, Denver patients know they can trust in our dental professionals to have their best interests at heart.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is one of the more commonly used sedation methods in dentistry. It’s a gas that is mixed with oxygen and breathed in through a mask. It doesn’t make you sleepy, but it will help you to relax during your procedure. It does wear off quickly, which means that most patients can drive themselves home after their procedures without issue. Be sure to consult with a Denver Highlands dentist near you first.

Oral Sedation 

Oral sedative options, which include Diazepam and similar drugs, can help patients to relax during procedures that may otherwise bring a measure of anxiety with them. These prescriptions should be taken about an hour prior to your appointment so that they have time to be effective. You will be fully awake but feel much less anxiety for the duration of your appointment. Dr. Ben Kacos, an expert in sleep dentistry in Shreveport, LA, says that you may feel a little drowsy, but you are not likely to doze off.

IV Sedation

IV sedation options offer several levels of consciousness. Some may put you completely under into a deep sleep until the sedation has worn off, while others may put you more into what is known as twilight sleep. You will be largely aware of your surroundings, but you will feel quite sleepy and may drift off. You’re also likely to have little to no memory of the procedure itself.

So, which one is right for you? Which option can help you to cope better with your dental treatment?

The Sedation Choice for Your Needs

Many patients may believe that being completely under for all procedures is the better choice. The reality, however, is that the stronger the sedation method used, the more potential there is for medication side-effects. At OG Dental, we genuinely care about the comfort and well-being of each of our patients. The recommendations that we make will be the right choice to meet your needs.

There may be any number of reasons that you need to consider sedation dentistry as an option. Your anxiety or fear of the dentist may come from previous experience. Many patients come to us with:

  • Phobias surrounding dentistry and dental procedures
  • Previous poor experience with a dentist
  • Discomfort after dental work due to poor bedside manner
  • Previous resistance to local anesthetic, which resulted in discomfort
  • Generalized anxiety disorder, or other mental health concerns related to anxiety

Rest assured, OG Dental Care will do everything we can to ensure the best experience possible. We have years of experience working with patients who fear the dentist. Whether you’re coming into the office for a routine checkup or a filling, or perhaps for something a bit more extensive, you’ll find that there is a sedation solution for you. Contact OG Dental Care today to set up an appointment.