When to Choose Sleep Dentistry

When to Choose Sleep Dentistry

Many individuals are afraid of dental treatments. They are concerned about the pain they may experience and their vulnerability and probable discomfort. Sedation dentistry may certainly make patients feel more at ease during dental procedures, but is it the best option for you? Dr. O'Grady, the best dentist Denver Highlands, shares when to choose sleep dentistry.

What Exactly Is Sedation Dentistry?

Your dentist in Denver uses sedation to provide medication before or during the dental operation. Only one form, general anesthesia, totally incapacitates the patient. The other types will calm you but not entirely knock you out.

The following are the most prevalent kinds of sedation dentistry:

  • Nitrous oxide is a relaxing gas that is used throughout the operation. However, because it wears off fast, your dentist may let you drive yourself home following your visit.
  • Oral sedatives, such as diazepam, can also assist patients calm during dental operations. You usually take these around an hour before your visit. You're completely awake but less worried, and you may feel drowsy until the effect wears off.
  • Sedatives administered intravenously: Intravenous sedatives, often known as IV sedatives, can put you in various states of awareness. This is also known as general anesthesia, and it will throw you into a deep slumber until it wears off, as previously said. There are other IV medications that can induce a "twilight slumber." As a result, you're less conscious of your surroundings, you may feel tired, and you may not remember much of the process after it's through.

Some patients believe that general anesthesia is the most effective treatment option. It does, however, have more possible adverse effects than the other treatments, so you may want to pursue a less invasive kind of sedation dentistry. If your dentist in Denver CO suggests sleep dentistry, they are most likely referring to general anesthesia.

You may choose dental sedation or sleep dentistry but consult your dentist first. Mention any previous allergic reactions, particularly to anesthesia, so your dental expert can make safe, knowledgeable suggestions.

You can also talk about local anesthetics. Our friends at Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry, pediatric dentist in Murray Utah, explain that these medications numb your mouth so you don't feel discomfort throughout a dental operation. Local anesthetics are often administered by dentists using a small needle in multiple locations along the gum line. If you don't mind going to the dentist, a local anesthetic may be all you need.

What Is the Process of Sleep Dentistry in Denver CO?

The procedure is determined on the kind of sedation used by your dentist. If you need an oral sedative, for example, your dentist will write you a prescription and provide you instructions on how to use it. As long as you follow those recommendations, you'll experience less worry and more relaxation. You should begin to feel sleepy and satisfied as the drug begins to act.

There is no need to prepare for nitrous oxide. It will be provided by your dentist prior to, during, and immediately following the treatment. However, if you select IV sedation, you may need to plan ahead of time.

For example, your dentist may instruct you to fast — that is, not eat or drink anything — for many hours before the dental treatment. You should also avoid taking some drugs the day before your dental appointment since they may conflict with the sedation medication.

Who Requires Sedation Dental Care?

The patients that are interesting and considering sedation dentistry may have a variety of reasons, including the following:

  • Anxiety about dental treatments
  • Having a bad experience with past dental procedures, namely with sensitive oral nerves.
  • A small mouth that swells during a dental procedure
  • Local anesthetic resistance
  • Anxiety disorder in general

If you find yourself with any of these reasons feel free to reach out to your dentist about sedation dentistry.  Dental sedation is something that can help patients get through a variety of dental procedures, including root canals, tooth extractions, dental implants, and more. However, it is not usually provided for basic dental cleanings, X-rays, and other routine services. However, acute anxiety may be a valid justification for sedation during certain operations.

Will Sedation Dentistry Help You?

Consider the treatment at hand as well as your general reaction to dental care before deciding on dental sedation. Do you, for example, have a fear of needles? If this is the case, IV sedation may cause more anxiety than the dental treatment itself. Similarly, if you're concerned about being susceptible in the dentist chair, you should remain vigilant and adhere to a local anesthetic.

If you're putting off dental work because you're afraid of the pain or any other aspect of the procedure, sleep dentistry may be the best option. When you neglect conditions like dental cavities, loose or damaged teeth, and other disorders, you endanger your oral health. Furthermore, the condition may get more complicated with time, necessitating more costly dental repair in the future.

If you are concerned about a planned dental procedure, speak with your dentist about dental sedation. If they do it, you could feel more at ease coming into the chair, and you won't have to worry about recurrent dental concerns that cause pain and other complications.


There are a lot of benefits to sedation dentistry, from anxiety relief to many other reasons. If this is something that you are interested don't hesitate to talk to your dental professional about it at once to help you on your dental visits.

Contact OG Dental Today for Sedation Dentistry

Our team is here to help with all things dentistry. Contact our Denver dental office today to schedule an appointment and find out all the benefits of sedation dentistry and how it can help you on your next visit.