What Are Dental Sealants?

What Are Dental Sealants?

Brushing and flossing your child's teeth every day is the most excellent method to prevent cavities and instill oral hygiene habits that will last into adulthood. On the other hand, dental sealants, placed by Denver Highlands Dentist, are a preventative measure that we apply as dentists to assist in preventing tooth decay. In honor of Children’s Dental Health Month, our family dentist Denver CO wants to answer the question, “What are dental sealants?”

What You Need To Know About Sealants

Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of teeth. Dental sealants placed by best dentist Denver CO may help prevent cavities from developing, but they are not replacements for everyday brushing and flossing.

How Do Dental Sealants Work?

Dental sealants do exactly what their name suggests: they seal and protect teeth. Premolars and molars have grooved and pitted places that dentists put them over, explains family dentist Denver Highlands. The grooves in these teeth may be as thin as a single toothbrush bristle, making cleaning them difficult, particularly for toddlers. Furthermore, plaque builds on the surface of the teeth without frequent, thorough cleaning, and over time, it causes a tiny hole known as a cavity. Dental sealants provide an additional layer of protection over these difficult-to-brush spots by producing a smooth surface that keeps food out and prevents cavities in your child's teeth.

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), dental sealants may be applied to cavities in their early stages to help prevent tooth decay. However, your dentist can still see what's happening within the tooth after the dental sealants are placed since they're transparent.

How Long Are They Good For?

Dental sealants may help protect teeth from deterioration for up to ten years. On the other hand, your dentist will keep an eye on them and advise you if they need to be reapplied sooner.

What Age Should Children Get Them?

Dental sealants are recommended for youngsters between the ages of six and fourteen. According to the American Dental Association, your first molars arrive around the age of six, and your second molars appear around twelve. To preserve these teeth from rotting, most dentists suggest sealing them as soon as they emerge. In rare circumstances, particularly if the teeth have deep grooves or pitted regions, your dentist may recommend placing dental sealants on the baby teeth.

Can Adults Get Sealants?

Adults are eligible for dental sealants. Although they are most typically given to children, they may also help adults at risk for cavities or who do not have dental sealants or fillings, states Dr. Eastham, dentist Grand Junction CO.

How Do They Get Applied?

Your dentist will clean and dry the tooth first. Then they use an acidic gel to gently roughen up the tooth's surface so that the dental sealant may cling to it more easily. Next, they rinse the gel away after a few seconds and clean and dry your teeth once more. Finally, your dentist will apply the liquid sealant to the tooth and solidify it using a blue light. The procedure is simple, fast, and painless!

Does My Child NEED Sealants?

Dental sealants, as previously said, prevent teeth from deterioration. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), dental sealants prevent 80 percent of cavities in molars. According to the CDC, school-aged children (between the ages of six and eleven) who do not get dental sealants had almost three times as many first molar cavities as those who do. Early cavity prevention may reduce the need for future (and often expensive) dental procedures like fillings and crowns.

While dental sealants contain bisphenol A (BPA), the amount is insufficient to cause damage to you or your kid. According to the American Dental Association, breathing in air, coming into contact with dust, touching a receipt, or applying cosmetics exposes you to more BPA than dental sealants. More information is available here.

The only probable negative side effect of dental sealants is an allergic response. This response, however, is uncommon. Nevertheless, if you or your kid has any allergies or other concerns regarding the operation, you should talk to your dentist. Your dentist will be able to answer any questions you may have and explain if dental sealants are a good choice for you.

How Else Can My Child Prevent Cavities?

Remember that dental sealants are not a substitute for proper oral hygiene. Here are some additional ways to help youngsters avoid cavities:

-Brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day.

-Floss between teeth.

-Encourage kids to consume healthy snacks instead of sugary treats.

-Visit the dentist regularly.

Want to learn more about Children’s Dental Health Month or dental sealants? Contact our office today!