How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

What Is The Lifespan of Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Denver CO are an effective way to replace missing teeth. They are made of titanium, which fuses with the jawbone, and they can last a lifetime with proper care. While the initial cost of dental implants may be higher than other tooth replacement options in Denver CO, they often end up being more cost-effective in the long run. Additionally, dental implants can improve your oral health by preventing bone loss in the jaw and preserving the healthy teeth nearby.

How Long Can Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are a popular choice for tooth replacement, and for good reason according to a conversation we had with our friends over at Shreveport Dental Solutions, the best dentist in Shreveport LA. They are strong and durable, and with proper care, they can last up to 25 years. Unlike dentures, which can slip and shift, dental implants are anchored to the jawbone, providing a firm foundation for artificial teeth. In addition, dental implants help to preserve bone tissue in the jaw, which can prevent facial sagging and wrinkles. While the initial cost of dental implants may be higher than other tooth replacement options, they can save you money in the long run by lasting longer and requiring less maintenance. When it comes to choosing a tooth replacement option, dental implants are a smart investment.

Contact OG Dental Today

Are you missing one or more teeth? Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants are permanently anchored to the jawbone, providing a secure and stable foundation for artificial teeth. In addition, dental implants can help to preserve bone mass in the jaw, preventing the facial structure from sinking in over time. If you are considering dental implants, contact OG Dental today. Our team of experienced implant dentists will be happy to assess your needs and develop a treatment plan that is right for you. Don't wait any longer - call OG Dental today!